Shipping policy

Shipping Policy

It normally takes us 3-4 business days to make or process your order. All of our products are made and shipped from China through DHL Express, which takes 3-5 business days.
Estimated shipping time once package is shipped: 

Region DHL Express Price
3-4 days
27 USD
North America 3-4 days 29 USD
Middle & South America 3-5 days 39 USD
Europe  3-5 days 39 USD
Australia 3-5 days 39 USD
International Taxed and Duties  Please note that we have no control over how long customs department holds up your package, nor the fees that may be charged upon arrival of your order. Customers will be responsible for all custom or hidden fees that are applied to the package by the destination country.  

Facebook Messenger: @newmoondance2020
Tel: 010-301-921-5786 (text only)

Please allow us 24 hours to reply to your messages during weekends and holidays.